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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back in business!

After much consternation and the apocalyptic destruction at the hands of Bonide and rubbing alcohol,  BAM!  We are blooming and putting out new growth again!  Here's the Stapelia scitula covered in buds and much bigger than ever.


Perhaps even more exciting, (...I know, I know, you can't bear the anticipation.....)

YESSSSSSS! Finally, the Huernia confusa (I think, we will see when she blooms) is putting out viable flower buds!!  I also figured out what I was doing wrong--I was underwatering.  WHOA!  Actually, underwatering a succulent is a hard thing to achieve, especially in the absence of direct sunlight, but stapeliads apparently need a fair amount of water during their growing season.  This bud is going to make it!  I promise to post the flower.  Despite excruciating de-bugging and Bonide to the soil, it continues to breed mealybugs.  Freakin' Typhoid Mary.  I hope they aren't imidacloprid-resistant bugs, or who knows what may happen.  I caught a few mealies on my Streps....let's just say I was NOT amused.  I gave them a little medicine, too.  Bonide for everybody!!!


  1. Congrats on the bloom. She's a beauty.

  2. Hey, thanks! I really enjoyed your bit on the Dearborn Garden Walk!
